Md. Jahangir Alam, PhD

B.Sc. in Civil Engg. (Structure), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1998
M.Sc. in Civil and Geotechnical Engg, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2002
PhD (Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering), University of Tokyo, 2005

Room No. 532, Civil Engineering Building
E-mail: (preferred),
Cell: 01781 77 44 11 (send email or sms before calling)

Brief Introduction
Professor Dr. Engr. Md. Jahangir Alam is faculty member at the Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000, since 1999. He completed his PhD from University of Tokyo in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering in 2005 as a Monbu-Kagaku-sho Scholar. He was research fellow in Ecole Centrale Paris for three months in 2008. Professor Jahangir did his BSc in Civil Engg with major in Structure and MSc in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering from BUET.
Professor Jahangir has multidisciplinary research interests and has publications in international journals and conferences. His current research interests are in Physical and Numerical Modeling of Liquefaction Hazard, Mitigation against Seismic Liquefaction, Cyclic Behavior of Non-plastic silt, Reinforced Earth, Earthquake Resistant Foundation in Soft Soil, Climate Resilient Concrete, Climate Resilient Road.
Within the Civil Engineering Department, Professor Jahangir involved in many consultancy projects where he designed/checked high rise RCC buildings, Communication towers, Jetty, Shore Pile, Embankment etc. He supervised pile load testing, pile integrity testing, concrete mix design and development of laboratory and field testing equipment.
Professor Jahangir actively involved in National and International professional bodies. He is life member and was Treasurer of Bangladesh Society for Geotechnical Engineering (BSGE), which is Bangladesh Chapter of ISSMGE. He is life fellow of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB). He is life member of Bangladesh Earthquake Society (BES). He was Treasurer of Bangladesh Earthquake Society (BES).