Numerical and Physical Modeling of Liquefaction Hazard
Development of Liquefaction Potential Assessment Method for Bangladesh
Earthquake Resistant Design of Foundation and Structure
Earth Reinforcement
Improvement of Standard Penetration Test and Sampling in Bangladesh
Use of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer to Assess Sand Fill Quality
Use of Dynamic Probing as Alternative to SPT


HEQEP subproject of Geotechnical Engineering Lab, Dept of Civil Engineering, BUET , 2014
Project title: Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project
Subproject ID: CP3132
Subproject title: Upgradation of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Facilities for Postgraduate Research on Soft Soil Engineering and Soil Dynamics

CCRIP subproject of Department of Civil Engineering, BUET , 2014
Project title: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project
Subproject title: Introduction of Quality Test Protocols for Road and Market Rehabilitation


Physical and Numerical Modeling of Mitigated Caisson Quay Wall Subjected to Seismic Liquefaction
Development of Correlations between SPT and Strength and Compressibility Parameters of Clay
Comparison of Sample Disturbance between Currently Practiced and Improved Shelby Tube Samples
Determination of Relative Density of Sand Using Dynamic Cone Resistance Data

Ecole Centrale Paris , 2008
Numerical Modeling of Gravity Quay Wall subjected to Seismic Load using GEFDYN

University of Tokyo , 2005
1-g Shaking Table Tests of Gravity Quay Wall
Centrifuge Model Tests of Gravity Quay Wall
Centrifuge Model Tests of Earth Embankment of Liquefiable Soil
Development of Earth Pressure Transducer to Measure Low Pressure in Model Tests

BUET , 2002
Finite Element Modeling of Anchored Earth Wall with Soft Backfill

Updated in May, 2019